Certification Programs
There is a home study online course offered by the National Genealogical Society under their Learn Center at http://www.ngsgenealogy.org/. For a genealogy library, you may want to join the Association for Professional Genealogists http://www.apgen.org/.
If you wish to pursue your genealogy studies further, you may want to explore the certification programs available to Genealogists offered through: The International Commission on the Accreditation of Professional Genealogist http://www.icapgen.org/, and the Board for Certification of genealogists http://www.bcgcertification.org/.
American Library Association
The America Library Association (ALA) has a Genealogy Committee under the History Section of Reference and User Services Association (RUSA). They usually have programs and meetings at ALA conferences.
National Genealogical Conferences
One of the best ways to learn more about genealogy is to attend the national, regional, and local genealogy conferences.
There are many but the three major national conferences are National Genealogical Society, Federation of Genealogical Societies, and GENTECH. Regional and local societies often sponsor a national society conference in their cities so these conferences appear all year long in different parts of the country.
Go to Cyndi’s List event calendar http://www.cyndislist.com/events.htm for information on conferences.
Genealogical Institutes
Many institutes offer scholarships to librarians and genealogists.
The Utah Genealogical Association (UGA) holds its annual Salt Lake Institute in Salt Lake City, Utah. It is usually held in January of each year. Phone: (888) 463-6842; e-mail: info@infouga.org.
Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research (IGHR) at Samford University in Alabama. This is an excellent annual institute usually held at mid-year.http://www.samford.edu/schools/ighr/ighr.html.
The Genealogical Institute of Mid-America holds an annual study program. For details, contact Gary Hargis: gkhargis@aol.com; or phone the Illinois State Genealogical Society: (217) 789-1698.
The National Institute on Genealogical Research (NIGR) has been held for over 50 years. In Washington, D.C. the current institutes are held at the newly renovated National Archives building in Washington, D.C. and in College Park, Maryland. The program is geared to experienced researchers (genealogists, historians, librarians, archivists). It is not an introductory course in genealogy. Usually takes place at mid-year. http://www.rootsweb.com/~natgenin/
There are several institutes in Canada. Do a Google search www.google.com.
College and University Course
Brigham Young University holds its annual Computerized Genealogy Conference at the BYU conference center in Provo, Utah.
For more information or to register: visit http://genealogyconferences.byu.edu or phone (801) 378-8925.
Hartnell College (Salinas, California) and Monterey Peninsula College in California offer a Library Science, Associates Degree Program in Genealogy and Computers.